Top 30 Cult Shows

US publication TV Guide has just published a list of what they consider to be the top 30 Cult TV Shows of all time.

I don’t know about you but I can’t understand how The Simpsons gets in there but Arrested Development misses out. Then again, they don’t seem to have listed any criteria or even seek to define what a “cult” show might be.

Of course, magazines have a tendency to create lists in the hope they will be talking points. In that way this list is no different to Who Weekly‘s most intriguining people lists. Similarly, it was probably created in a half-hour meeting with people just shouting names at someone writing them on a white-board.

For your perusal, here’s the list: TV Guide Names the Top Cult Shows Ever


  1. catbrain says:

    I always think of ‘cult’ being outside the mainstream when it is contemporary, so I would tend to agree that something like Lost cannot be considered cult, whereas Star Trek original series can. Just because something doesn’t fit the mainstream also doesn’t make it cult, such as Monty Python’s Flying Circus – very popular from the get-go at the time of its original broadcast.

    In terms of American pop culture, these probably are all cult shows, although I totally agree that Arrested Development should be in there: an outrageous omission, for what – Beauty And The Beast, perhaps?! puh-leeeese….

  2. That list is rubbish. How can Doctor Who be at 22 ??!

  3. It’s a US list.

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