Ep 254: Episodes

Man versus Wild2011 is going to be a great year for television. At least we hope it is because otherwise we’re pretty screwed.

This week we talk about the UK/US co-production Episodes starring Matt LeBlanc, Steven Mangan and Tamsin Greig.

We also take a look at some of the shows we hope to watch this year on the television, talk about international controversies in television and tell you the best DVD player to buy.

Really, though, we know that everybody just goes through the whole show just waiting for Toby Halligan’s Trotters. You won’t be disappointed this time.

It’s good to be back. We hope you enjoy it. Have a listen.

This week’s question: Did you know that we secretly do have a quiz question this week? Let us know by email.

Also, if you’re wondering where we are on Facebook and Twitter, just click on those words back there.

Here’s a puff piece from the Guardian or the Observer or something, with the three stars of Episodes.

We received a couple of great tips from milhouseaus who told us that he read that Nine have the rights to air Episodes. I checked with them this morning and they confirmed it but have no date.

He also sent us this handy link to BluRay international codes.

3 Feb 2011 UPDATE: Nine has just confirmed that Episodes will probably appear in the second half of the year.


  1. lyndal Boxcutter says:

    Welcome back for 2011.

    With regards to the region code/DVD player advice, I was looking for the all region code for a friend for his Sony player. Surprisingly hard to find – lots of sites offering the code for cash but nothing free. I recommended he go and buy a $20 player and that worked a treat – all regions and also played AVI files.

  2. David Ubergeek says:

    Hello and welcome back. As for Region Coding/Locking:

    * Blu-ray, you forgot to add the UK. They are the same region/zone as us. Hence Amazon UK is a good source.

    * My Sony B/R player is locked for B/R but not for DVD. I was told it was the same internals as the PS3, so puzzling that your PS3 wont play Region 1 etc DVDs. Firmware upgrade?

    * What gives with the B/R region/zones? I though the makers had been given a warning or even ruling about the anti-consumer nature of it back in the DVD days. Here in Aus, I mean.

  3. David Ubergeek says:

    And another thing 🙂 Shows that may be of interest in 2011:

    * BBC “The Trip” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HFIQIpC5_wY lotsa improv from these two lads

    * Ashes to Ashes S03. Final series. Stunning. moving finale… (no spoilers)

    See ya

  4. Paddy Houlihan says:

    Hey Josh thanks for reading the letter out. Speaking of credits sequence the LOST title card was a perfect length of about 7 seconds

  5. In regards to long intros on Showtime, I think it also has some of the quickest. Weeds (after Season 3) barely had intro sequences and they were different for every episode…

    OK, maybe it’s the exception that proves the rule…

  6. *three seconds before Pete Smith, or thereabouts*

    “Oh, and by the way Nellywon’tbebackshe’sstudyingandstuffgottagoBYE!”

    Did I miss something?

    I know I’ll miss Nelly, she kept Brett and Josh in-line and stopped the peevishness (Josh) and passive aggression (Brett). (I write with love, fellows, true love.)

    • Josh Kinal says:

      Marc, you missed nothing other than evidence that if I don’t have something written on my sheet before the show starts I’ll probably forget to mention it.

      Nelly had a pretty big year in 2010 with a successful Melbourne International Comedy festival show and the wonderful No Means No Show and did Boxcutters on top of that. We loved having her as part of our team and she promises to come back as soon as there’s another Survivor series to dissect.

      At the end of last year Nelly decided to go back to study. She made the decision to not continue with Boxcutters while we were on a break. Anyone who has tried to have a career, family and study at a postgraduate level knows the pressures that involves. The last thing she needs to do is spend time keeping me and Brett in line.

      So that’s it. You didn’t miss anything but we’ll miss having Nelly on the mic. We wait in excitement for her take on the upcoming final Probstfest.

  7. Welcome back!

    I always though Frasier’s title sequence was perfect. Brief, catchy, differentiating.

    Review suggestion (not that you need it): Portlandia http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AVmq9dq6Nsg

    @David’s suggestion of The Trip is interesting. Whilst funny at times, somehow that show made me hate both Coogan and Bryden.

    Nelly, we hardly knew you. Best of luck with your research/comedy/shenanigans.

  8. Rob Boxcutter says:

    Bye Nelly. You were great fun to listen to. Come back often.


  9. Thanks Josh!

    The Green Guide wasn’t responding to my “insider” emails about a “rift in the Boxcutters family” anyway, so no damage done.

  10. lyndal Boxcutter says:

    I should have also sent a farewell Nelly message with my first posting. I will miss her a lot and hope that she comes back heaps.

  11. Adam D(oxcutter) says:

    Episodes in the second half of the year. When everyone has seen it. Ooooooooooooooooookay.

    Brendan Dahill (ABC1 controller) gets it:


    [i]Following on from the fast-tracking of Doctor Who at Christmas, Dahill confirms he will be aiming to keep fans happy in the second quarter.

    “I can’t tell you the date yet because the BBC haven’t told me what date they’re transmitting yet but we’re going close to UK TX again,” he says.

    “[b]Australians are great downloaders[/b] and they don’t want to wait until Easter to see a Christmas episode, so if we can get it out straight away we will.”[/i]

  12. Adam D(oxcutter) says:

    er, pretend that last bit is in italics

  13. David Ubergeek says:

    I really enjoyed Courteney Hocking’s appearances. She has a broad range of TV experiences and puts across interesting and entertaining views.

    I think I even wrote you gang a “well done” email on her most recent appearance. You 3 did an excellent show. And I would look forward to more.

  14. Helen C says:

    Good luck to Nelly in her studies. I miss her already.

    Here’s to a fun year of Boxcutters in 2011.

  15. Nelly Thomas says:

    Hi y’all,
    I’ve been OS so missed your lovely messages and didn’t have a chance to say goodbye in person. Thanks for your kind words – I’ll definitely be back, I just had one too many pipes to smoke and had to go cold turkey on something. Sadly, Boxcutters was it.
    See you all soon.

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