Who will tend Jamie’s garden?

The Nine Network today made the following statement:

The Nine Network Australia today announced that it has parted company with Jamie Durie.
After seven years association with Durie, the Nine Network would like to wish him all the best in
his future endeavours.
No further comment will be offered by the Network.

While I’m sure none of us are surprised by this announcement, what with all of the success he’s had overseas, the coldness of the statement betrays some hostility. The fact that “no further comment will be offered” just makes me more curious.


  1. Again missage on a world class pun

    “The Durie’s out at Channel Nine”

  2. Again GOLD Fourth. King of the puns!!!!

    Apparently he’s been picked up by 7 and (hold your breath) IS going in the next series of Dancing With The Stars. Wonder how many show it will take him to get his gear off? Ho hum.

    Also, The Age is reporting he wanted 2 Mil for a part time contract with 9 to balance his overseas career. Little wonder they said no. A lot of money when they have no show for him.

    (“The Durie’s out” Hee, hee, hee!!!)

  3. Gee, 7 are quick.

    Just saw a new promo featuring Durie.

  4. According to this article in The Daily Telegraph today, Durie basically bitch-slapped Nein about their programming. That would explain the cold response.

    “I want to work on shows that are meaningful and I didn’t have confidence in Nine’s programming future,” Durie said.

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