Due to circumstances beyond our control, including 3RRR training sessions, we won’t be able to bring you Boxcutters this week.
We will endeavour to bring you as much news and opinion about television via the blog to fill the gap.
Next week it’s back to business as usual with Boxcutters going up onto the internetwebs late on a Monday night.
Thanks for your understanding.
You can always email us or text us on 0458 288 837.
catbrain says:
News: the new season of Newstopia starts 10pm Wednesday on SBS.
I Don’t Buy It: BrandPower ad for extra-long toilet paper. Apparently, you’ll have paper for longer (even though it only comes in a 4 or 6 pack, and you probably would’ve bought 8 or 12 packs before) and – here’s the real kicker – YOU’LL HAVE EXTRA TIME IN YOUR VERY BUSY DAY BECAUSE YOU WON’T HAVE TO CHANGE THE TOILET ROLL AS OFTEN. It’s such an onerous, time-consuming task.
dan says:
Pretty Pointless News: In Treatment starts on Showcase on Monday 29th at 8pm and continuing weeknights. For those who didn’t download it, and have premium Foxtel is worth at least a look.
Have to agree with you whole-heartedly re: I Don’t Buy It catbrain; A big statement, but one of the worst BrandPower ads for mine.
Farewell to Absent Friends: Paul Newman died this morning aged 83. He made great salad dressing
MoBo says:
I noticed last night (Monday) that 30Rock wasn’t on Ch7 at 11.30pm like it has been for the previous fourteen weeks (Olympics excluded). I also noticed that it is on tonight (Tuesday). How clever of them to show the whole season of a show at the same time every week then reward fans by showing the last episode of the season on a different night…
Need I say more? No. That was a rhetorical question. Right.
jimbo says:
Probably for the best. Tough to follow last week’s show anyway 😉
Brett Cropley says:
OMG Jimbo, did you listen to it? I did. Wow.
BTW you didn’t tell us if you were getting the special ethics training…