Tag Archives: axings

Now it is getting ridiculous…

The idiots are winning. At least they think they are.

Hot on the heels of Jericho and Veronica Mars, there is now a campaign to save dire, unfunny comedy The Class, with an online petition and an urge to send the network – wait for it – ERASERS! Genius.

Never mind the whole ‘how could anyone even watch The Class, let alone want to save it’ question – shows get axed, it’s a fact of life, deal with it. And if you are going to try and save it make sure the show is something worthwhile, not a show that should never have been made in the first place.

Already I have read breathless ‘Lets do a petition’ talk about Studio 60, ‘It worked with Jericho’. Where will it end?

Maybe we can start looking retrospectively at shows. Gee that Suddenly Susan was a great show, maybe we can send the network lazy susans. Or we can send potatoes to save M.A.S.H. Or drugs to get Miami Vice back.

Any suggestions? Come on people, we have the power…