Boxcutters Episode 77

Ah, episode 77. Full of … stuff. Lots to hear, not so much to learn.

This week we have a Things You May Have Missed Life On Mars, two, count ’em two I Don’t Buy Its, News, Ratings, Pork and a Raywatch (although frankly I don’t think the Raywatch has leg to stand on).



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  1. markymarc says:

    ok, time to lay off the granola kids:)

  2. One Ray watch / I don’t buy it for me this week was 60 Minutes’ “Oh My God” tag line for the ep. I mean this is supposed to be Nines flag ship current affairs programme. It was nothing but the usual ACA /TT sensationalist dribble.

  3. Rob Boxcutter says:

    Ah, Gunther von Hagens. You know, in his younger days (still with hair and without the black fedora) he looked rather like Hugh Grant. Can you see it? I watched The Anatomist last night. I hope one day I too can have a “happy polymer birthday” spent alone plastinating post mortem internal organs, or perhaps an ox.

  4. Good episode, interesting episode for sure.

  5. You lost me at FoxtelPBl (I presume a silent P)

  6. catbrain says:

    You is very funny mans. It was like listening to a group of drunk friends in the pub trying to keep up with the conversation. *grin*

    Isn’t it funny how opinions can be so diametrically opposed: I thought last week’s ep of Spicks and Specks was very beige – the blandest to date. Ari Up just made me cringe, which was very disappointing.

    From anecdotal evidence only, I reckon you’re on the money re Heroes ratings and downloading. Another suggestion from a friend was that having the ads in spoils the flow a little, which may contribute to downloading.

    Although it was dross, it was fun to see Richard Carter do menacing.

  7. I’d have to disagree with Josh’s comments on South Park.

    I don’t expect a lot from South Park. I continue to watch the show because I expect so little. In contrast, I used to expect a lot from The Simpsons, because they had such a high standard to live up to. This made their decline in quality so much more disappointing – it was like sacrelige.

    However, South Park never had a high standard to live up to. Therefore, any time they have a good episode, it seems really good, because your frame-of-reference is such a low standard.

  8. Yes, I was shocked with Josh’s funniest show on TV at the moment comment. Each to their own I suppose.

    And Dishy I completely agree about Simpsons. The decline was and continues to be heartbreaking.

    I think South Park is pretty good, especially when they nail it. Often though they just lose me. I used to say it was maybe 50/50, but season 10 was a really improvement.

  9. astrogirl says:

    I’m probably late to the party, but just listened to this. (first time listener, long time reader hehe) Just wanted to mention that there is indeed a S2 of Dexter in the works. There is news all over the internet about it. But that would involve, you know, research. lol 😀

  10. Thanks, astrogirl. Glad to have you join us. If you have a listen to episode 78 you’ll find it a bit more of what we’re usually like.

  11. The ads during Heroes are driving me bonkers, so I agree with catbrain about them spoiling the flow. There are a lot of storylines and characters to follow in each ep and when it keeps getting broken up by ads (it feels like every 5 mins) I feel a little disconnected (oh, hello! back from the ad – where are we now? which hero is this?). I’m enjoying it less and less because of that. I feel as though it just gets into a rhythm and it’s over for another week and my brain is all disjointed.

    Or maybe there’s a problem with my brain.

  12. That is a real shame about Heroes Kerrie. I can see how that would be an issue. Maybe it is contributing to the ratings bottoming out.

    Ad free it seems to flow quite well. Maybe some sort of PVR is called for to limit the impact of ads.

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