Boxcutters Episode 92

Ross is away so Josh and Brett get to play – getting down and dirty with funny-guy and Rove writer, Gerard McCulloch.

Golden Age of Television gets all Joss Whedon on yo ass with Buffy and Firefly.

There’s a couple of big calls as we have a chat about new variety pilots at 7 and speculate on which one will win out.

Rounded off with news and Pork, this week’s Boxcutters is a great part of any televisual diet.

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    1. Rob Boxcutter says:

      Aahhh . . . the server labours as the Crunchy Granola Suite flock to download the latest.

      Rob Boxcutter

    2. Do I need milk on my Granola?

    3. markymarc says:

      no milk required – the granola crew is greatly pleased by the shiny presence of whedonesque brillance. Interviewd Joss whedon once, accidentally offered my first born child – that is how much im loving your podcast today.

    4. How can Ross be “gone” if Brett is still in the studio?

    5. Is this the Rove article you referred to? Because it’s the silliest piece of ‘news’ I’ve seen in ages. Letterman’s age is even wrong, and where did the ‘nearing retirement’ come from? Made-up land?

    6. Conan never hosted a Show before Late Night. He was a Simpsons and SNL writer.

      Last Call with Carson Daly airs after Conan and only started back in 2001-2002ish. Carson wants the slot apparently too. FOX wants a late night show also apparently so that could be up for grabs too.

    7. catbrain says:

      Re the MacBank/Fairfax merger: whether there is much competition re tv service in regional areas is beside the point, I feel… any contraction of any part of the media market can have a detrimental effect – particularly when a merger such as MacBank and Fairfax can effectively bypass the “2 out of 3” rule.

      Re Parkinson’s impending retirement: I’ve found his style to be more opinionated in recent years, and I agree about the laziness – the order and nature of the questions doesn’t vary much. Thank goodness for the digressions of the guests!

      I like the original Buffy the Vampire Slayer movie too, Josh.

      Re Gerald Stone’s book: my theory is that Channel 9 aren’t engaging in litigation because everyone at the network shares Peter Meakin’s sentiment re JA and the book is mostly about the outcomes of his actions. I think I’m going to be quite sad by the time I finish reading it – it really brings home how far the network has fallen.

    8. catbrain says:

      Re nurturing comedic talent through radio: why don’t we do that in this country? It seems to work in reverse here – the people who get the radio gigs generally have the experience already, and what we end up with is crap like The Cage.

      And great take on Border Security, Gerard – I’m almost tempted to watch it now.

      ooh – I like the idea of Denyer getting the gig… What Would Denyer Do?

    9. You forgot to mention that while Firefly was on of only two “Golden Years of Television” shows from the US to air on commercial telly, it was treated pretty poorly by the Fox network. Shown out of order and only 10 of the 13 eps went to air. It wasn’t until it was released on DVD that it found its audience (perhaps because it was shown in order) which paved the way for “Serenity” to make its way to the big screen.

    10. ActualChad says:

      Hi guys. Good show. I met Gerard briefly at a trivia night once. Nice guy, quick wit. Goes with the territory I guess.

      Here’s a thought: Naomi Robson: the Reality Show. “Come with Naomi as she tries to find a job that balances her wacky crazy extremist beliefs in her own self importance with the reality that no-one really likes her. Oh, there’ll be shananigans!”. Any suggestions on a name? At the moment, all I’ve got is “Bob-A-Job Robson”.

      Greg Fleet is one of the Home hardware dogs? That’s awesome. Never made that connection. I guess the motion capture isn’t all that good.

      just watching the last couple of Studio 60 this week (army kidnaps? when did this become the west wing?), but one of the things that rattled me since the show began (apart from “how do i get Matt’s office?” was how he was supposed to get a whole show written alone. The idea of one man writing a whole show when a staff of two dozen or something was originally in there just seems unrealistic.

      I DO think that they should have not shown any actual sketches. They were really unfunny, which meant it took away from the realism of the rest of the show.

      Meanwhile, I want that office, overlooking the studio floor, part of an old theatre… so nice…

      I think you guys were talking about Saxondale a long time ago, way before you talked about Alan Partridge. I happened to see a link to Saxondale last week and watched the first episode. Funny stuff. So real, such a realistic character, so removed from Alan Partridge. I’ll have to watch more now.

      The Nation: The only way is out. I reckon if they’re scared of doing the show they want to do, they’re always stuffed. And if they’re already stuffed, they might as well go out with a bang. Go for the throat, burn off Jackie O, drill her pretentious ass for all the laughs you can and dump her. Get the swear jar out and fill that bugger up. Call the spades spades and start getting a reaction, because that’s what they were promising and that’s what they’re failing to deliver so far.

      Mick Molloy is a “LARRAKIN”, not a “Larry-kind”. that’s what Nine bought! For God’s sake, get out there and offend somebody!

      Haven’t ever watched Firefly. Wasn’t on free-to-air back then. saw Serenity. meh…
      What was Serenity like in comparison to the show?

      I think you’re selling Angel short though. Horror/ Detective/Law show with comedy bits? At the very least Season 5 when they take over Wolfram and Hart? Smile Time? Lorne?

      I’m still pissed that the show got axed after they redeemed themselves for two seasons of annoying story arcs with an awesome fifth season.

      The O’Keefe variety show: stretching too thin or pet project? Maybe this is what he’s been angling for all these years? Putting up with doing game shows and weekend news bits to get to where he wants to be. Remember that he started in comedy, and the pinnacle of television comedy is having your own show. O’Keefe would have grown up with Tonight Live with Steve Vizard on the screen.

      Meanwhile, does anyone know where I can find a copy of the old claymation cartoon “The Red and the Blue”? Been looking for years but have never found a copy.


    11. ActualChad says:

      Yes, just found an episode on YouTube.

      All I need now is Simon Soundman playing the trumpet and my childhood will return.

    12. ActualChad says:

      Oh, YouTube!

      Anyone know how I can get an mp3 of his trumpet for my ringtone?

    13. See Molloy’s sign-off last night? ‘Hopefully we’ll see you next week.’ At least he’s not faking confidence.

    14. ActualChad says:

      I guess having your Exec fired can make you feel a little unstable. I wouldn’t have been surprised to see cast members in the background last night unhinging parts of the set as mementos.

      How many weeks did the Mick Molloy Show last? Eight? Do you reckon he’ll make it?

      Why didn’t they get Tony Martin up there as well? The balance would have been so much better.

    15. Exec fired? The show’s exec producer, or do you just mean Eddie?

    16. ActualChad says:

      Cos Cardone was an executive on this show, and “The Footy Show”. He got the boot just after Eddie left.

    17. Woah!

      Stone’s book is my plane reading this weekend. Based on what I’ve heard so far they’ll have to pry me off the plane.

    18. Author of Who Killed Channel 9?, Gerald Stone, is one of the guests on the Conversation Hour on ABC 774 & Victoria today (Thursday) from 11am.

    19. ActualChad says:

      Interesting interview.

      podcast link here:
      Might have to wait for it to be updated.

      Interesting to hear Stone balancing what happened at Nine with what happened at Seven, and how Seven has come through that and is succeeding.
      I’m gonna go down and get a copy at lunchtime.

      I think Josh mentioned a book about late night variety shows in the US a while back. Can someone tell me that name of that book? Is it freely available in any Melbourne bookshops?

    20. catbrain says:

      Regarding the ABC Melbourne Conversation Hour podcast: it’s not a permanent link – only the latest show available – and it often takes a day or so for the show to appear. If you are keen to hear it, keep checking and download it as soon as you see Stone listed as a guest. (Just speaking from experience – I’ve been caught out before)

    21. Rob Boxcutter says:

      Re: 774 ABC Melbourne Conversation Hour

      There’s a podcast feed for Jon Faine’s Conversation Hour that has downloadable mp3s from the last fortnight or so:

      Rob Boxcutter

    22. Radio National future of TV discussion here:

      Fran Kelly with Gerald Stone, Glen Dyer, Carmel Travers.

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