Underbelly: A Tale of Two Cities: The Review

Earlier this week I sat down to watch the first episode of Underbelly: A Tale of Two Cities.

What I found was a disappointing display of potential that had been dashed upon the rocks of Australian commercial television.

In the first episode we’ve got two main characters, Robert Trimbole (played by the excellent Roy Billing) and Terry Clark (who looks a lot like Matthew Newton with a moustache).

These could be complex characters but they seem to be whittled down to a couple of key phrases including: “Don’t you cross me” and “Where’s my money?” The latter of which can be really interesting as in the paper boy from Better Off Dead but in this case just comes across as one-dimensional.

The main problem is that the story-telling is so rushed we aren’t given the opportunity to get emotionally invested in any of the characters . So we have no reason to keep watching because we really don’t care if they live or die (and they are most likely going to die).

There also seems to be a rule that a random woman must show her breasts every 12 minutes or people will turn off.

I find the whole thing condescending and a little bit boring which is disappointing because we really could have some great television here. The stories themselves, told by somebody who cares, are fascinating and exciting. Unfortunately here it’s like they’re told by someone who not only doesn’t care, but also wants to get away from you as soon as possible.

Underbelly 2: A Tale of Two Cities airs on Monday nights at 9:30 on Nine.


  1. You're a fuck face its good as, nah seriously it is very good so you're a fuck face for saying it's not. Let's be honest here mainly you're just stupid, nothing to do with anything you said here.

  2. Well, thanks for that in-depth rebuttal. Still, there must be something missing from your argument because I remain unconvinced. Care to give it another try? Anybody else?

  3. I think the show has been miss named. Surely it was meant to be Underbelly: The tale of two titties!

  4. This may be a little controversial but maybe the problem with this season of Underbelly, as well as your issues with the first season and many other Australian TV series and films, is that we don't have the quality of writers in this country that they have in the US – our dominant international content provider.

    If not the ability of Australian writers, it could come down to the budgets for Australian productions that don't allow for the necessary number of drafts to get the script up to a better standard.

    According to the viewer numbers for Underbelly, obviously the Australian viewing public at large doesn't have an issue with what they're seeing.

  5. I think i said it all just read what i said, you dont know what you're on about because it's fucking great, i just dont dont save my finer English for scum like you.

  6. And if you think it's all about titties then thats just you're imature mind, havent you ever seen tits before. Everyones entitled to there opinion but i think you'rve dwelled to much on the obvious bad points, And you're bad mouthing this show is not going to stop millions of people enjoying it, so say what you like you're opinion doesnt count for shit, it just fires up the rest of the scum like you.

  7. This may be trolling.
    I don't think that there is anything wrong with wanting better. I know I expect it in my entertainment, politicians, forum contributers and people in general.

    Doesn't mean I'll get it, but surely it is a good thing to expect better.

  8. Started well, but continues to spiral in to the oblivion of many other Australian over hyped under performed drama's. Aside from the accents, did the Australian television industry think to perhaps have found some kiwi actors who got the accent. As for Ally's character…..go back to Home and Away.!

  9. Started well, but continues to spiral in to the oblivion of many other Australian over hyped under performed drama's. Aside from the accents, did the Australian television industry think to perhaps have found some kiwi actors who got the accent. As for Ally's character…..go back to Home and Away.!

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