Ep 216: A Visit to Letterman, Kids in the Hall: Death Comes to Town

Nelly Thomas - I Coulda Been a Sailor; Late Show; Kids in the Hall: Death Comes to Town

We love it when our friends come back from an overseas jaunt, bearing gifts from foreign lands, and we always try to catch the magic of the joy and surprise on Boxcutters.

In this week’s fresh-off-the-plane episode, Josh brings us an audio journey through the trials and tribulations of getting into the Ed Sullivan Theater for an episode of The Late Show with David Letterman, ending up in a room with Bill Murray.

Nelly is audibly moved by a bobble headed Jeff Probst, rolling into some observations of Survivor: Heroes and Villains.

The Kids in the Hall are back with a new series, Death Comes to Town, and we take a look, direct from Canadia.

And there are mementoes for you, the listener, in a call to action to subvert some 3AW talk-back with our own campaign to improve the Logies presentation.

UPDATE: All of our giveaway tickets to the best Melbourne International Comedy Festival show, Nelly Thomas’s I Coulda Been A Sailor have gone. However, you can still purchase tickets to see her at Melbourne Town Hall, March 25 – April 18 at 8:15pm (7:15 Sundays, no show Monday).

If not for the charming chatter, get it for the giveaway goodness:

If you have surplus holiday gifts, send them to us by email or on the SMS-gift-deposit at 0458 288 837 (0458 CUTTER).

And don’t forget to invite all your Facebook friends to become Boxcutters fans.


  1. My friends and I had decided that, no matter how crap Death Comes to Town turned out to be, we would watch it because as people with a vague interest in the world of Canadian sketch, we owed them that much. That said, it was actually good! It was absurd, over the top and ribald- plus it gave me the opportunity to say “So, you know that necrophiliac blowjob on the CBC last night? What did you think?” -which is a phrase I never, ever thought I'd say.
    Also, the last episode just aired, and it finished it really nicely. re: the size of the town, they filmed in North Bay, which has around 49, 000 people in it- so it's a small city.

  2. darrenboxcutter says:

    Lets give Nelly (and her daughter) a slap.

    Oh sorry if I just offended someone with that comment. I blame Nelly for being in show business. Oh and because Nelly has mentioned her daughter I bring her up as well.

  3. Outraged how? Which comments in particular?

    I don't think any of us thought it was funny. The end message was why does Fiona O'Laughlin get hauled over the coals for a tasteless comment like that but Sam Newman can continue to be Sam Newman? And why weren't Fiona's comments edited out of the show?

    Bindy Irwin is in the public eye and people are going to say dumb things about her, criticise her, mock her and applaud her. That was the Irwin's choice, whether or not you agree with it.

    While I don't agree with Nelly's point that parents who put their children in show business are necessarily bad parents (was the inference I made), I don't think her comments deserve threats of violence.

    Nelly's in show business and people are going to say dumb things about her. That was Nelly's choice.

    Nelly's daughter is neither in the public eye nor in show business. She'll have plenty of dumb things said about her in the school-yard when that time comes. That's where most children get their unfair criticism. I don't think she deserves, or has been placed in a position to receive, critical threats of violence, metaphoric or otherwise, in a public forum.

  4. darrenboxcutter says:

    So I suppose I blew my chance at getting free tickets to Nelly's Show.


  5. dalekboy says:

    Hey guys, thank for putting me on to Death Comes to Town. I love it. It's bizarre, funny, and wrong.

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