Ep 132: Justin Hamilton, Lost, AFL on 10

All the fun of the fair with Justin Hamilton as our guest co-host. Of course we discuss Lost and Channel 10 screwing with footy fans. We ask the question: Are the networks losing money? But we don’t have any answers.

Episode 132 is better than…

What did you do on your summer holidays?


  1. What makes anyone think Lost will have a natural or even vaguely fulfilling conclusion. Alias was every bit as good as Lost, ep to ep. But the ending was wholly non-satisfying. Problem is that Abrams has the hubris to think he can tie up all these complex, interwoven storylines; but when the time comes to do it, he drops the ball. That’s the big difference from BSG…they’ve know where they’re going since the beginning and aren’t so foolhardy as to think some miraculous inspiration will hit them when it’s time to end.

  2. But I really want Lost of have a natural and fulfilling conclusion…
    Part of the joy of watching it is trying to figure out how they will possibly bring it all together.
    Great episode guys – I’ve been enjoying all the guest hosts but am looking forward to Ross coming back. The guest hosts just don’t gang up on Brett the same way.

  3. Thanks Lyndal. That’s special…

  4. So very true, Lyndal, so very true.

  5. By this is a bit late but This American Life last week was about the things we’ve learned from television. Funny, poignant, insightful… all the things TAL always is. Still available for download at http://www.thisamericanlife.org

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