Ep 338: Mr Selfridge, Chris Rankine

Mr Selfridge is a period drama starring Jeremy Piven and a bunch of English people. We reach deep into our reviewing hole to investigate a show that has no urgent shouting nor any blood splatter.

Chris Rankine is an advertising creative who worked at Campaign Palace in the 70s and 80s and was adamant that a sheep dog not be in a commercial for paint. He talks to us about how things have changed.

Hear the magic that makes us one of Time Out‘s top 10 podcasts.

[audio:http://www.podtrac.com/pts/redirect.mp3/media.boxcutters.net/BCep338.mp3|titles=Episode 338|artists=Boxcutters]


  • See the "Sic ’em Rex" ad.
  • If anyone is able to find the Dulux ad Chris describes, please share it.

Nelly Thomas presents Story Time for Grown-Ups

All proceeds go to the Australian Literacy and Numeracy Foundation and is bound to be a great night involving stories, wine and maybe some cheese.

Wednesday, 8th May with tickets available from $8.

Other Podcasts in the Top 10

Hear Josh talk serious design business on The Nudge.

John and Ben McKenzie have huge guests and bigger fun talking about Doctor Who.

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  1. David Boxcutter says:


  2. Paul Boxcutter says:

    A few thoughts.

    1. Josh, you said ‘rehearsal’? Ok.
    2. You had me at Jeremy Piven, I’ll give Mr Selfridge a look-see. I also agreed completely with John’s hamburger analogy, I do profess to watching some TV that is probably not good/good for me, but I get some enjoyment out of it.
    3. That interview was amazing, any chance of a followup one? If not, and I quote “that’s bullshit”.

    oh, and don’t apologise for last week’s podcast, it had some faults yes, but it was quite well edited 🙂

    • I agree – FABULOUS EDITING. That editor is awesome. And probably very handsome.

      Brett made the “140 characters” gag just before we started recording, but in a much more showbiz way. Josh said “save that gold for the recording!”. And then it wasn’t quite as good. So no, not really a rehearsal as such…

  3. Okay, the Monty Python thing – it is and it isn’t a case of the BBC combining differnent people they thought were interesting… in many ways, it’s more an “all-stars” based on other shows.

    Cleese, Chapman, Palin, Jones and Idle had all at various times worked on writing The Frost Report. – Cleese and Chapman had met at Cambridge (Idle was also a Cambridge-ite, but tended to work alone) while Palin and Jones had met at Oxford. Cleese had also worked briefly with Gilliam when his Cambridge Revue, Cambridge Circus, went to Broadway.

    Cleese and Chapman subsequently teamed up with Tim Brooke-Taylor (also from Cambridge) and Marty Feldman on “At Last the 1948 Show” (produced by David Frost). Jones and Palin worked together with Idle (and a young David Jason, and Terry Gilliam, and The Bonzo Doo-Dah Dog Band) on a kids show called “Do Not Adjust your Set”.

    It’s generally believed that the program was put together when the BBC offered Cleese a program, and Cleese wanted to work with Michael Palin – from there, the other various members of the team came in. So it wasn’t just a case of a BBC producer putting the team together so much as already-existing-networks combining in a different way.

    None of these people had worked on “Beyond The Fringe” (Josh should really just start every show saying “every word out of my mouth is very likely to be wrong”), which was Peter Cook, Dudley Moore, Alan Bennett and Jonathan Miller. Which also combined two from Cambridge (Cook and Miller) and two from Oxford (Moore and Cook) , which may be why Josh is confused. Or maybe it’s having a high-rating episode 0 that does it.

  4. Regarding your theory that it won’t be long before people cannot hear “Barnaby Joyce” without Micallef’s “…is that the Chatanooga choo-choo” immediately afterwards, it’s already begun. My father has informed me that it’s now completely ingrained, and every time Joyce is mentioned in the news, the subconscious sings the rest. Reason #829074 why we should be thankful for St Shaun.

  5. Glenn Peters says:

    I prefer to make my coffee when Barrie interviews the politician on Insiders.

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