Ep 353: Big School

It’s a all about the controversy in this episode of Boxcutters. We’ve got a review of the new BBC1 sitcom, Big School, starring your favourite UK comic actors.

Being Emmys week, we talk about some of the controversy coming out of the ceremony.

Our resident Angry Old Man is back to vent about TV cooks.

And check out below for a sultry pic of Marian’s All My Crushes.

[audio:http://www.podtrac.com/pts/redirect.mp3/media.boxcutters.net/BCep353.mp3|titles=Episode 353|artists=Boxcutters]


All Marian's Crushes of the week

All Marian’s Crushes of the week

What to Watch:
Brett: Key and Peele
Marian: Elementary
Rachel: The Blacklist
Tuddy: 2013 AFL Grand Final

Take a look at Vikings and send us your thoughts before 7pm Monday 30/9 (AEST), when we will be reviewing it.


  1. I haven’t commented since Boxcutters 2.0 began, and I have to say: I’m liking it. It’s a bit like someone started making my favourite pizza with a different kind of tomato sauce- a bit different, and new and strange at first, but ultimately it’s pizza- of course you’re gonna love it, it’s your favourite pizza and pizza is delicious.

    I was about to make a ‘Rule of 3 Slices’ comment, but I think I’ve tortured that poor metaphor long enough.

    For me, Big School shares a characteristic with a lot of UK narrative comedy that makes it borderline unwatchable- it’s humour based entirely in embarrassment and cringe comedy. It makes me too uncomfortable to watch, and the pay-off isn’t high enough for suffering through the second-hand shame.

    Any chance of you guys reviewing Agents of Shield in a few weeks? Based on the pilot, I think that it might be missing its audience a bit, but Clark Gregg is great. I think the fact that it exists is also interesting- the power of fans to literally revive a character. For those not aware, MCU fans just pretended Phil Coulson wasn’t dead so hard that he became un-dead. Seeing that the #coulsonlives campaign was primarily tumblr-based, there is a lot of interesting things about the fact that the audience genre fiction traditionally pretends doesn’t exist- teenage girls- are currently shaping the industry. (also see: Hannibal) That’s kinda cool.

  2. Any chance you’ll be reviewing the changes the Ten Network have made to their web site? They’ve made it even *more* difficult to find out when shows are screening…

    • Marian Blythe says:

      Hey Steve. Not that this helps you with the channel 10 website, but I use an app called OzTV as a tv guide – it’s handy.

      The best way to get an organisation to fix their website is to contact them on said website and tell them what the issue is – they’re usually pretty keen to make it user friendly, and they generally have no idea how to do that – seeing as the people that make it, (the IT guys and gals locked in the dungeon), aren’t the people that use it.

      Also, your comment on the other post may or may not be getting responded to in this week’s episode. SPOILERS 😉

  3. G’day Marian.

    Have you looked at the new 10 web site? Definitely *not* something to blame on the IT guys. Demanding that people have to sign up to your web site & provide all sorts of lovely (for marketers) demographic info before they can get anything even marginally useful out of the site is a 100% marketing-driven change.
    Building a closed “social” web site & expecting that people will flock to it to discuss channel 10 shows when said people already have plenty of other options is also a marketing decision.
    Responding to a changing audience by sticking your fingers in you ears and saying “la la la la la” loudly, and then responding with something that is where the audience was 8 years ago, is not only a marketing-lead decision, but also a stereotypical Channel 10 marketing decision 🙂

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